freshwater fishing lure

Colleagues no one knows what it essens? perhaps most already know, understand, or even frequent use;-)
Yes, essens is a liquid that is usually used as a mixture of (give flavor and aroma) in making cakes. Type essens assortment. There is a sense of jackfruit, durian, strawberry, soursop, etc. Depending want to taste if we make the cake;-)
However, there are few things yng many people may not know, including you;-), that can be used as a mixture essens artificial bait for fishing. Particularly in fresh water, and is very potent, you know .... we've been proved;-)
Types of fish that likes to be the scent of this essens also vary. Start of carp, mujaer, wader, etc. So, how?
The way to this very easy, just add just essens on feed ingredient that you created or when making dough baits. Type essens I've ever used is essens jackfruit. I mix it with herbs that we use bait fishing.
So, proved, fish also need a menu that is a little different from the usual menu that they eat everyday;-) Fish can also be bored ...;-)

feed ingredient, cheap mantab

It does not matter for it, which is an important formula to mix bait fish bait, especially freshwater, VERY may try ..! To my friends who like fishing in freshwater fish species such as catfish, mujaer, nilla, and the like, it is worth a try, ie:
If the fish is catfish Buruanmu
No need to bother to make the artificial baits of various materials for this type of fishing. Just use earthworms. However, you should polish with a little seasoning that you better ogled (bait) mean;-) by the catfish. How ... ???
first: Look for earthworms
second: Eggs duck, grab yellow only
Third: Enter duck egg yolk into the container, then mix / stir worms into it
Fourth: Go hunting catfish! Prove what happens ...;-)
If Buruanmu is Nilla, mujaer, and the like
Do not need much outside money for this artificial bait. quite simple, but deadly aka GREAT ....;-)
First: Buy / Take pellets (fish food)
Second: Take pandan leaves (usually made flavoring coconut milk / food), mashed and then take the water alone. Also be blended;-)
Third: Mix the pellets and water pandanus. Stir to blend.
Fourth: Feed ready USED ...
special herb feed
there may be a need to concoct new recipes bait. We are looking, in television commercials there ya ... why not? yup, just the right place ...;-)
But this is not an advertisement, it is the world permancingan called bait / feed. Bait / feed could be from animals such as worms, crickets, wasp larvae (Tolo), pellets, to the artificial bait (bait mixed himself by anglers).
Given the previous review, we must first know what kind of fish will be lured approx. This is to determine the accuracy of the election bait. Here, we'll share a little trick for artificial baits based on experience that can generate a lot of fish, in other words bait fish like this. In particular are freshwater fish. Can goldfish / tombro, mujaer, etc. Colleagues can try. The steps are:
The first step:
Corn were not too old in the grate, it could be in a blender / juice. Then add butter, can blueband, or any other brand. Both steamed like a cake.
Step two:
Lift the steamer basket, let the cold winds. After a cold and calculated ready, stir with a plus bait in essen, can jackfruit or durian flavor commonly used. To be better, the herb can be mixed with duck egg steamed eel (discarded entrails and bones).
The third step
In order not too mushy be coupled together white yam (sweet potato) that have been steamed. Next add the dried instant noodles that have been smoothed, to avoid kelembek's earlier material.
Step four:
Add Kroto (red ant eggs / rangge) on feed-wringing.
special herb bait carp
3 kg of carp or eel
how to make:
When using goldfish, remove the entrails and gills, steamed until cooked. For eel, just input into clear plastic bags can also add a few leaves of pandanus leaves and lemongrass, steamed until cooked.
How to use just enough meat, attach the hook.
30 young corn cobs
1.5 ounces of cassava
0.5 young coconuts
1 block of cheese Kraft
Roombutter Weijmans taste
5 egg yolk duck (should not be used)
3 kg Kroto (Kroto rice)
How to make:
Maize, cassava, coconut and grated cheese and mixed with the remaining ingredients and mix evenly. The dough is wrapped tightly with aluminum foil. Steamed for 2 hours with a small fire, the water has to be boiling when the dough is inserted. Kroto mixed when the bait will be used.
5 kg of sweet potato
Eel meat 2kg
Ocoy (hardener bait) to taste
2 kg Kroto
How to make:
Sweet potato peeled. Sweet potato, eel meat, and mixed ocoy then smoothed with a blender. Ocoy function as a hardener. If no, can be replaced with flour noodles or milk powder. When deployed, the dough is mixed again denagan Kroto.
bait sardines, catfish and catfish for

So, how ngebuat sardine for bait ...? follow the steps below:
Open sardines and pour it in a container.
Pour the pellets and duck eggs into it, stir to blend and ....
READY bait used;-)
Easy and simple is not it ... ??? Prove results. Especially for catfish fishing, catfish in the pond.
bait for eel fishing
When going fishing for eels or eel traps in the field, usually only wear a small frogs / tadpoles, worms, or crickets. Well for this, when you want to make a trap for eels, before tying the trap worms, worms should be burned first. Do not be long yeah, later burnt ...; -0)
Once the worm is burned, then tie in the trap for eels. Then bury the trap into the mud fields. Find a place that if eels there.
To select the timing of trap placement in the late afternoon before sunset. The trap overnight stay in place.
The next day, early in the morning or after morning prayers, please lift the trap. But you need to be careful, you know, because it could be that in a trap is a snake or snakes and eels;-) So, you can PROVE themselves the results of this fuel trap worm ...;)
Why burn worm ... ???
because the scent of burnt worms, very stinging in the nose eel;-)
yes its core, is more efficacious than the Gini troubleshooting common. Good Luck ... !!!
Tips for Success:
Do install a trap above the planting season arrives. When new fields completed in hoe or digemburkan. Because at this moment more eel;-)
special bait fishing wader
Fish wader. how do I do not know my friend / herb effective for this type of fish ngedapetin ... ??? yes, it is mostly fishing with worms, tolo (child / bee larvae), and others ... others ....
However there are no less Specialty Herb IMPACT for bait fishing wader. What is that ... ??? Listen dech .....
prepare tempe, white rice, garlic
Mash / puree all ingredients above into one. Do not forget to add a little warm water. The goal is to mix. Do not be too banyakl because it will make the dough concoction mushy / watery.
Once finished, make a sort of small clumps attached to the hook. Like when my friend fishing with pellets.
special bait fish near the mouth of the times
Some time ago I was with some fellow hunting spot for fishing. Yes, the location of which is rarely touched by people or most anglers. It is rather deep, close to the teak forests. But that's where the fish are more accurately called a river estuary (as) already not far away so the sea is.
We tried to use the river crab (angry) but soft bony selected. Do the bony. Because according to our experience my friend JM, there are two types. Crabs are often found in rivers or many times around us. Usually they live in the suburbs, vines. How to get them there are a few steps. Which is often used is to spread the poison buaat hiss or some sort of plant pests. Biarakan a while, then it will fly keseret crab flow or step aside;-)
Buddy JM simply take them with a scoop or hand. How to use this bait, get rid of all the legs, open the front shell, then insert the hook / hook. Use for fishing in the location as we mentioned above pal and please Prove yourself STRIKE sensation that not so long from hunting buddy ...;-)
Why ... ??? because this species of crab (soft bones) is a natural food for the hunting / fishing. So as they get FREE feed without having to laboriously nyari, hehehee ....
Good Luck
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