Home Organic Vegetables

Organic Vegetable Cultivation OpportunitiesHealth care and back to nature, was able to increase demand for organic vegetables. The high demand for many come from the upper middle class who choose organic vegetables than organic vegetables. this condition is said Chairman of the Indonesian Society of Organic Agriculture, Dr. Zaenal Soedjais be a very good business opportunities to be developed. Not only organic vegetable growers who experienced a surge in demand, manufacturers of organic fertilizers and pesticides, seed sellers to organic vegetable retailers will experience the same thing. Moreover, the demand for organic vegetables too many come from foreign countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Europe and America. Of course this opens opportunities for growers of organic vegetables for export to these countries. But the problem, said Soedjais to meet the demand in the country only organic vegetable growers are already overwhelmed that temporarily forgotten the export market orientation.Dakuinya, which allows current target market is the supermarkets. But because demand is usually very large supermarket while the average production of organic farmers is still limited, many farmers partnered with suppliers of organic vegetables is greater. Through this supplier, fresh organic vegetables were supplied to supermarkets or meet export demand.According Soedjais, the core of which is the cultivation of organic farming that are free of residues of inorganic (chemical) ranging from land clearing, fertilizing, seeding, planting, maintenance, use of pesticides to post-harvest handling. Horticulture expert Dr. Ir Anas D Susila, M.Si and Chief University Farm said the cultivation of organic vegetables are the most profitable leaf vegetables (leave vegetable) than fruit vegetables. Because the technique of leaf vegetables maintenance easier, cheaper, can be planted anywhere and fast production turnaround cycle. This also recognized Santoso Kurniawan, owner Pa Organic Farmers who grow a variety of vegetables in the village leaves Cibeureum Bogor, West Java. "Cultivation of vegetables leaves only takes 3 weeks can be harvested so that the velocity of business faster," said Putro. While fruit vegetables can only be grown in certain dilahan well as require higher nutrient. Thus land is usually found in the highlands like the area of ​​Puncak, Bogor, Lembang, Bandung and Malang, East Java.Composting of Household WasteContainer landfills in the household should be split between organic and inorganic waste. In this case the organic waste can be used as compost bins while the inorganic form of discarded plastic can be recycled beverage.material


 Inside the house (living room, dining room) and in front of the kitchen supplied two different colored bins for organic waste and inorganic trash.
Required plastic tubs or drums for composting. At the bottom were a few holes to remove excess water. To keep moisture from the top can be closed with the sack or bamboo.
The primary vessel composting soil or paving blocks, so that excess water can seep down. Bak composting should not be in contact with rainwater, must be under the roof.How to make

One part of green waste (organic) mixed with 1 part brown bins (inorganic).
Added 1 part of the old compost or topsoil (top soil) and mixed with soil or compost containing active microbes that would work process waste into compost. If there are animal manure (chicken or beef) can also be mixed.
Made all at once, or layer by layer eg every 2 days plus a new litter.
Composting is complete when the mixture becomes dark, and no smell of garbage. On Sunday 1st and 2nd microbes begin work outlines make compost, so the temperature to about 400C. In the week of the 5th and 6th temperature returns to normal, the finished compost.
If necessary sieved to separate the rough. Coarse compost can be mixed into a tub of composting as an activator.
Composting success lies in how we can control the temperature, humidity and oxygen, so that microbes can obtain an optimal environment for the breed, is enough food (organic materials), humidity (30-50%) and fresh air (oxygen) to breathe.
Organic waste should be chopped into small pieces. To speed up the composting, you can add a wide variety of bio-activator such as EM4, stardec or Bio-Triba.

Tag : Home, Organic
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