Household Garbage

Household Waste Utilization for Organic PlantHousehold waste is the result of the disposal of the residual activity of housewives in the kitchen, which is composed of organic and inorganic waste. The organic waste can be decomposed in a natural process, namely:

Organic Waste Green (leftover vegetables from the kitchen) Examples: stem / leaf cassava, papaya, kale, spinach, eggplant skin, carrots, anchoring conjoined, yams, cassava, fruit peel, pineapple, banana, jackfruit, banana leaves, watermelon , coconut pulp, the rest of the vegetables / side dishes, and garbage from the garden (grass, leaves dry / wet).
Animals that eat organic garbage such as fish, shrimp, chicken, meat, eggs and the like.
While the inorganic waste is a type of waste that can not be decomposed naturally, in the form of materials such as paper, cardboard, baskets, tins, various types of plastic, styrofoam, etc.The impact that caused by household waste on the environment, among others:

Heaps of garbage in large amounts will cause the unpleasant sights, dirty and rundown and could affect the comfort of people around.
Garbage cans, etc., when it rains the water will become a nest of mosquitoes to lay their eggs and breed.
The entry of waste into the water continuously lead to water down the functions so that no longer able to support human activities and cause problems of water supply. Because the flow of river water and groundwater everything is polluted.
One way we can do, is to manage the household organic waste into compost, by processing waste into compost means helping reduce the problems caused by litter.Compost is an organic material, such as leaves, straw, reeds, grasses, rice bran, corn stalks, as well as animal waste which has undergone a process of decomposition by micro organisms, so it can be used to improve the physical, chemical and biological ground. And the potential of organic household waste as compost household.Experienced organic waste composting process itself through natural processes over time will rot due to the collaboration between microorganisms with the weather. The process can be accelerated by human treatment, namely by adding compost activators mikroorgainisme decomposers, so that in a short time will be obtained a good quality compost, which can be used as organic fertilizer for vegetable crops in the yard.Benefits of Organic Fertilizer made from compost.Organic fertilizers from compost are very beneficial for the improvement of agricultural production both in quality and quantity, reduce environmental pollution, and improve the quality of sustainable land. Organic fertilizers can improve soil structure which was originally a solid into a loose, sandy soil become more compact, and the clay becomes friable.

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