Organic Hometown Indonesia

Organic hometown race as the city of Magelang followed 27 villages. Who were not allowed to race only Legok Makmur. Because of its business has grown considerably. Crops such as vegetables, chicken, egg, ginger syrup, catfish and so that everything is organic not only enjoyed family but already sold out of the village, so they can add to the family income.
The assessment team headed by Ventje HO who also served as Chairman of Power Development LPSM Love Magelang city, reviewing the organic village RW 8 Village Kemirirejo. RW with a population of 200 families everything is growing organic vegetables. Seedlings obtained from Green House Kantil Berseri for free.
Chairman of RW Organic Village 8 Village Kemirirejo Mrs. Yuni explains, organic village in the region was formed January 3, 2014 and now it has a lot of organic plant seedlings in the green house. Consisting of eggplant, peppers, broccoli, pumpkin, tomatoes, cabbage and other. '' Outside the green house also planted various kinds of organic vegetables. Residents who need please take, '' he said.
In addition, the village already has a waste bank. Household organic waste composted for the purposes of plants in his yard. If the production is quite a lot can be sold to the bank.Inorganic waste is also sold to the bank and then exchanged with household items such as soap, rice, soy sauce and so on.
Ventje added, organic village competition assessment is not the same, depending on its stage. Because there is a beginning of a new stage, the next stage of developing, and most good when it independently.For the early stages of assessment include waste sorting to be done in every household. Then there should be a bank trash and start making compost. For the growing phase, compost is used for vegetable crops, and crop it has produced for the benefit of the family. Phase independent results of organic village not only for families but already sold out of the village to supplement family income

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