5 Most Beautiful Natural Scenery in Indonesia

5 Most Beautiful Natural Scenery in Indonesia - Indonesia has outstanding natural beauty. Awarded the landscape that seemed never-ending. From the west end to the east, a row of mountains, valleys, seas, lakes, national parks to wait to be explored.

This is just a bit of a tourist attraction once offered this maritime agricultural country, with ethnic and cultural existence as a marinade. Mother Earth landscapes are presented as endless, ranging from majestic mountain ranges to the wealth of underwater life.

Yafi blog collects 5 most beautiful places that represent the diversity of the landscape in Indonesia. Fifth place is faithfully waiting for you to admire its beauty. And, Here's 5 Most Beautiful Natural Scenery in Indonesia.

1 Lake Toba, North Sumatra

Existence volcanic lake Toba as famous in many parts of the world. 75 thousand years ago the Toba supervolcano erupted, forming a caldera and rained most of the earth with volcanic ash. Over the ages, the caldera along the 100 kilometers to 30 kilometers wide, it turned into a lake. 

The lake is located in North Sumatra Province became the largest lake in Southeast Asia. Toba is now presenting the beauty without limits through the lake that seemed without limit, surrounded green hills around him. The cool air and fog in the morning to make this place like a natural landscape in Northern Europe there. 

Favorite spot to enjoy panoramic view of Lake Toba is Tongging. From here, two at the same scenery unfold before the eyes: Lake Toba and Sipiso-piso. Samosir Island that seemed to float in the middle of the lake has a distinctive culture and craft Batak society. Berastagi town not far from here is a producer of fresh fruits, especially passionfruit. You can also soak in the hot natural baths, on the slopes of Mount Sinabung and Sibayak. 

2 Baluran National Park, East Java

Maybe you see Baluran as a National Park barren and dry. But that is precisely what natural resources are so wild flora and fauna. A total of 40% of the National Park area consists of savannah. Not surprisingly, this place called Africa van Java. Located in Situbondo, East Java, the National Park on the slopes of Mount Baluran it has hundreds of flora and fauna, including protected and endangered species. 

Visiting National Parks Baluran means photographing the wild side of life flora and fauna in Indonesia. There are about 444 species of plants, 26 species of mammals, and 155 species of birds including rare like Kites Fire and Tuwuk Asia. From the top of a watchtower you can see the natural life of a bull, wild buffalo, deer, leopards, to deer. 

Not many know, Baluran National Park also keeps a hidden beach. His name Bama Beach, about 16 kilometers from the entrance to the National Park. White sand, calm waves, and a row of mangroves will spoil the eyes of visitors. Marine parks full of anemones and clown fish back and forth in between. 

3 Sianok canyon and Harau Valley, West Sumatra

West Sumatra Province was awarded the charming natural landscape, one of which is a valley. Sianok canyon in Bukittinggi and Harau Valley in District Fifty Cities represent typical Indonesian beauty of the valley. Green and magnificent, surrounded by cliffs as high as skyscrapers in Jakarta. 

Sianok canyon like the Grand Canyon in America, in a version more cool and more beautiful. Meanwhile, Valley Harau often asked as the most beautiful valley in Indonesia. The area surrounded by green rice fields cliffs towering, became a favorite place of tourists to take pictures or climb the cliff. 

Both valley is surrounded tropical forests is still beautiful. Harau Valley also has several waterfalls that biting chill of the skin. There are also the Thousand Caves in the middle of the forest. His name represents the number of branches in it. 

4. Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua

Moving on from the legend of the four kingdoms in West Papua: Waigeo, Misool, Salawati, and Batanta, Raja Ampat Islands is a haven of marine tourism in Indonesia. This district has 610 islands with stunning clear waters, inhabited by a quarter of marine life in the world. Heterogeneity of flora and fauna underwater Raja Ampat is famous around the world, making this area into a paradise for divers. 

Nabire region in the "bird's head" of Papua into a giant whale shark habitat. There is also a Manta Point, where the divers dancing surrounded by giant stingrays wingspan of 9 feet. And plane wrecks from World War II found near Wai Island, a habitat for fish and colorful anemones. 

Raja Ampat Islands is touted as one of the most beautiful dive sites in the world. Whether it's snorkeling and diving in the deep sea, Raja Raja Ampat is its marine beauty in Indonesia. 

5. Mount Rinjani, Lombok

Rinjani was renowned as the most beautiful mountain in Indonesia. No wonder mountain located in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, has become a favorite among climbers. Green landscapes, Lake Segara Anak, as well as the great caldera of Mount Rinjani is a beauty mirror. 

However, not merely identical to talk about Rinjani mountain. Mount Rinjani National Park lies in the Wallacea and Australasia transition line, generating a diversity of flora and fauna. Aka black langur monkeys usually found when the morning comes. Segara Anak, the lake is located at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level is the venue for Mulang Pekelem, a traditional ceremony conducted by local Hindus. 

A trip down heterogeneity of flora and fauna, see traditional ceremonies, and climb up to the peak of Mount Rinjani, will pay off with a prize. Peak at an altitude of 3,726 meters above sea level, was evident in front of you: the summit of Mount Agung in Bali, Mount Ijen in Banyuwangi and Mount Tambora in Sumba. The third peak of this mountain peeking out from behind a white cloud that hangs beautifully.

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