craftsmen creating the rock

ENTERING a region on the edge of Highway Magelang, Yogyakarta, it is hard to avoid eye contact from a row of stone sculpture. Whether in the form of various types of animals, people, puppet shows, the characters in folklore, until a kitchen appliance such as a mortar and munthu.

Batikan Hamlet, that's the name of the region where the craftsmen creating the rock, reminiscent of the atmosphere in Ubud Bali. It's just that the manufacture of sandstone or a statue in Batikan much louder than the Bali paras. So hard that it almost similar to the stone.

Weather in Mungkid when it was hot. But lingering in the complex was still fun, as if it were in "another world". Between the mystical and religious elements to be biased, even blur the line between real world and fantasy world.

To be sure we will be awed by the skill of the craftsmen and stone sculptors. Especially when looking at the work already complete, and presented in the gallery, just waiting for buyers.

Maybe you will be amazed to see the skill of the sculptors who are able to collect rocks into amazing works.

But, please grinning when you see the imaginative work of the artists, who broke the world deep into the middle of nowhere.

Yes, that's the art world. A world without boundaries, that is able to roam to anywhere in accordance with the will and imagination of their creators (artists). In essence, visitors or prospective buyers can quench the thirst of his mind while he was in Batikan.

Virgin Mary statues are available in various sizes, with a variety of raw materials. There is also the Goddess Kwan Im who believed the people of Confucius as a god of the Wise, All-compassionate, and Supreme Benefactor. Even the craftsmen also managed to "move" and "cut the Borobudur Temple to Batikan. Incredible!

Central Business

Indeed, works of art in Batikan strictly business. So, anything that is born and formed the work of the trade. Therefore, various forms of the sculpture-from the smell of ethnic, mystical, contemporary, to modern-always related to price.

One of the crafters that there is a big enough studio owned by Nakul-Sadewa I Nyoman Alim Mustapha. Studio large enough to give it a different color from other studios.

Almost all the statues are there in all shapes and sizes. Generally, a large and distinctive is the order, both from domestic and abroad.

"Tourists who come here often, among others, from Italy, Britain, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Myanmar," said Nyoman, a Balinese artist since 1967 to cultivate a stone statue. He has extensive international access and most support the business.

Several replica of Borobudur temple size 5 x 5 m2, for example, now already in Austria, Africa, Thailand and so forth. Currently sanggarnya also received orders to make a replica of historic buildings in some countries, such as Angkor Wat (Cambodia), Shwe Dagon Pagoda (Myanmar), and the Potala Palace (Tibet).

Although no accurate data, stone handicraft centers in Maybe it's livelihood depended workforce of about 500 people, ranging from craftsman / sculptor, sales force, until the bookkeeper.

Nyoman also claim to have no data on this subject. Even he did not know, how many daily turnover in sanggarnya. "Business is so difficult to guess its revenue. Unlike other goods, the price and consumers can be seen, "said Yanti, a shopkeeper in the Nakul-Sadewa.

But as confirmed Totok, one of the crafters, all people working in this field at its core in order to undergo the process of life, in the sense of seeking money for food, school fees, and enjoy life.

"But, out through the process of life, of course we get the inner satisfaction of producing and enjoying this artwork. I think ... this is life and life, "he said philosophizing.

He then pointed to the statue of Buddha which is about one meter. For the statue of that size, the price could reach USD 50 million. Besides depending on the difficulty factor in the making, the price also depends on the raw material. Because there is an idol in the temple of their raw materials in the form of black stone, white stone, marble, granite, bronze, fiberglass, jade, and so forth.


How long does it take to make a statue of Goddess Kwan Im from marble material with a height of 1.5 meters? According to a sculptor in Nakul-Sadewa, if worked day and night without stopping, it took him about six months.

For the size of Indonesia, which is roughly worked eight hours a day, of the statue with the new size and material can be completed within 1.5 years.

"That is, if he is experienced, especially in understanding the character of raw materials. In addition, most of the sculptor in Batikan not a genuine artist, who could imagine about his work. "The nature of them is like a chisel. If not diketok, ya no way, ha .. ha .. ha .., "said one boss crafters.

Although the craft of stone carving in Mungkid already appeared about 45 years ago, but there are no signs of independence. Equipment owned by the craftsman is very limited, and mostly imported from India. "I think the equipment was a bit loud, so it must be struck with a vengeance," said Sunarto, who had 10 years to be a sculptor.

Raw materials are still imported from outside the area. For example, black and white stones were brought from Wonosari (Gunungkidul), marble from Tulungagung and Makassar. There's even material that must be imported.

With such conditions, the results of high-quality work has a high price. But art can not be measured solely by money. Because works of art need understanding, I enjoy, attitudes and views about works of art in itself (48)
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