Man Holding an Black Dragon Not Komodo

Lately a video of a man holding an animal resembling endangered endemic Indonesian animals, Komodo, viral in Instagram @ 9gag. In the description of the video it says, "I think Komodo is a deadly animal."
The video immediately became the talk of many people., Tuesday (27/2/2018), writes, videos that have been viewed more than four million times this get about 12 thousand comments. In fact, the official Instagram account of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Kemen-LHK) @Kementerienlhk follow-up to provide comments related to the video.
"It's not a dragon, but a black dragon or Asian water lizard. Indeed the Asian water lizards (Varanus salvator) and dragons are very similar. However, the Komodo dragon has a pink tongue, "they explained.
Previously, this video was uploaded Instagram @therealtarzann account. On the video, the man who was seen holding a reptile in the video also did not mention the word Komodo. He even clearly calls it the name of Salvator Black Dragon from Indonesia.
The man said he was carrying one of the three largest reptiles in the world besides Komodo dragons and modern crocodiles. Well, the account description 9GAG is what makes the video so excited because it is mentioned that the carry is a protected komodo.
LIPI reptile expert Amir Hamidy confirmed what the Kemen-LHK account said. According to him, water lizards or Varanus salvator who was held by the man seems very tame and long maintained so that the size can be very large and plump. In fact, this lizard is considered to have obesity problems.
"The color is too black. Komodo skin is much brighter, "said Amir when asked the difference between dragons with black dragon.
As written, Monday (26/2), the difference between the two is true in size. Black dragon tends to be smaller than the dragons and the color is also darker. Black dragon is a bluish black color with a gray stomach and a blue tongue.
Well, obviously it's all. However, although the black dragon does not bite and have a toxic saliva as dragons, it's how to hold a lizard of that size! Ha ha
Tag : Lifestyle
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