Sub Ambarawa located in Semarang district, Central Java. Districts are approx 5611 hectares. Its population of 80,801 souls and the density is 14 inhabitants per ha.
In the era of the kingdom of Mataram Kingdom (Amangkurat II) region named Limbarawa. First Ambarawa never been the capital of Semarang Regency. Now the capital is Ungaran. Ambarawa also referred to as the city Ambarawa Theater, and there Ambarawa Theater Museum, Railway Museum and the Citadel Ambarawa Willem II.
A little story about this cool temperate city. There is a legend that melatarinya, the legend Rawapening. Swamp is indeed very wide spread. Swamp that is the reason why this city named Ambarawa, which means a vast swamp (amba = broad; bhs. Java). And, until recently Rawapening is still there.
By the way about Ambarawa anybody know not where this city? Ambarawa is a small town located in Central Java, more precisely located in the lane highway between Semarang and Magelang. Then please take this job from Semarang Jogja / Solo, so until Bawen path split into two, straight to Solo, to the right to Jogja. From Bawen kira2 1.5 km we will reach Ambarawa.Jangan imagine this city's bustling city, and do not harappula we will find a mall there. The city is a small town, and most crowded activity only occurs along the highway connecting Semarang - Yogyakarta, especially at diocesan Market (Kupang Market) located on the main street, which from morning till evening always macet.Ambarawa other than air is still cool , the view was beautiful surrounded by mountains Merbabu, Telomoyo and mountain Ungaran. The water was nice, do not be surprised in some areas there are industrial packaging plant water minum.Meski this town small town, but actually save the history of this city that will always be remembered by this nation's troops clash talkala the Republic under the leadership of General Sudirman beat the Dutch troops retreated to Semarang direction. These events are known by the name of Ambarawa Theater (Theater means the battlefields).
Museum Theater to commemorate the epic forces of the republic can we find in there. Museum Isdiman Ambarawa Theater was founded in 1973 and located in downtown Ambarawa, precisely alongside the main road near Semarang-Yogyakarta Railway Museum. With tickets costing 1,000, 00, visitors can see a collection of various weapons, a P51 Mustang plane (COCOR RED), and other equipment used by Indonesian soldiers in the war of independence. Still in this seputaran, Fort Willem II looks striking because of its size and its wall is painted white. In addition to the museum's Theater, we also can see the train museum, and perhaps the most complete train museum collections train antiquity, even to the Dutch or the German Government had reportedly wanted one of these trains kolesi. And unique is that in fact the train is still driven by steam power is still well maintained and can operate. Trains are now operated as a tourist train route Ambarawa - Bedono with the upward trajectory so that the train is equipped with a toothed wheel. Pathway dominated fields and gardens views with background coffee Merbabu a towering mountain and a beautiful mountain Telomoyo. In addition there is a train rail diesel Tuntang Ambarawa route, passing the outskirts of Rawapening Lake lying. Besides enjoying the scenery Rawapening Lake lying off the train, we can also go fishing with boating while renting boats from fishermen setempat.Meski looks beautiful, but we keep worries that the result of a severe sedimentation caused by the weed plant that is water that makes water hyacinth hyacinth. If sedimentation is left unchecked, it is not impossible rawapening later changed to the mainland and living the story alone.
Meanwhile, if we pass the highway that led to Solo (before Salatiga), our eyes must be treated to views of Rawapening Lake lying in the path uphill. If we could stop driving a private vehicle to take a moment to enjoy these views, or can we go into the tourist complex is mostly found along the road, one of which is the Mount of Love. Somehow the hill called love, perhaps because its location was on the hill overlooking the lake lies beneath the beautiful romantic atmosphere making for making love. There again if we want a little tour while exercising, Gedong Songo temple can be selected as the destination. Gedong Songo Ungaran situated on the slopes. From Ambarawa we will pass Bandungan tourist areas (such as peak area) but continues to climb due to its relatively high. Cars can reach this location. Set foot in the court of the temple anganpun could drift into a fantasy land. How could I not? White fog will soon catch us, though we're still at the foot of the temple. Not to mention the cold air that menggigilkan marrow. Then, looking up will see a cluster of nine temples scattered stands. This temple was built split up and arranged on top of the hill. The temple building stands on its own land area of about 150 X 30 meters square. Temple building sequence. The temple occupies a location at the bottom first, then sequentially increased by varying the distance between the temple first, second and so on.
Location of the temple did not stand a sequence such as stairs. Between the buildings with each other sometimes in different directions. But, certainly, the order always rises to the top. Automatically, we will walk circle if you want to reach the temple follows. Just a suggestion, if you want to climb to enjoy the beauty of this temple nine good idea to take the road to the left after passing through the gate lokawisata. Indeed, there is no rule for it. However, thus following the ascent toward the temple will continue to row. The higher we climb matapun never tired of looking. On both sides of the path, the smooth given the paving blocks, seen the beautiful natural scenery. Towering pine trees visible in the distance with a bud that as if to pierce the cloud-gemawan. More and more air onto the cold but very refreshing. Kabutpun kept swirling around us.
Stepping on the building of the temple from the first sequence to nine gave a distinct impression on the heart. Climb the winding road, the temple stands strong at altitude, cool weather, a thin mist which always float to give an unforgettable exotic memories. This temple is called Gedong Songo because it consists of nine buildings of the temple. In the Java language, means building and Gedong Songo means nine. And, according to the order of the temple to the nine standing gracefully on the hilltop. It is said that the temple symbolizes the journey into this nine-man final to reach perfection. Building form is characterized by the building of royal temples of Hindu Nusantara. Where every building has a room to a place of worship. Apart from building the temple, there is another object of this lokawista offered, namely sulfur hot springs. Toward the top of the hill there are several hot springs dot the form of small pools. Visitors can rest here, while enjoying the surrounding scenery is green and damp cold. The existence lokawisata Gedong Songo temple was already familiar to the travelers. As this holiday season will lokawisata crowded. Travelers not only come from cities around lokawista, but also from other cities such as Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta and even Jakarta.
Ambarawa also offers the charm of natural beauty for tourists who come to visit. One of the interesting places to visit is Bandungan region. This area is a Molokai vacation which is located about 7 km from Ambarawa. Currently, Bandungan already has various hotel facilities ranging variety of classes, fruit and vegetable market, flower garden, swimming pool, a meeting place and camping. The most famous product of this region is to Know Dressage Bandungan. In addition to panoramic mountains, Ambarawa also provides peace of Swamp Pening. Dizziness is a swampy bog at the foot of Mount Merbabu, Telomoyo, Ungaran and Full Sodo and enter the territory of four districts in Semarang. Visitors also can ride a boat along this swamp. One of the famous products of the villages in the vicinity of Swamp Dizziness is a craft water hyacinth. For you fans of ornamental plants and flower crops, particularly in rural Ambarawa Bandungan a shopping paradise plants because the price is quite cheap with a variety of complete plants. But I myself prefer to buy roses that I think is very cheap price per flowerets when we compare it with buying roses in town. Even the color is also very wide range, from red, pink, white is all here know there are a lot of rose plantations that supply rose to surrounding cities. Anyway we will be satisfied once bought roses here either for our display in vases as well as we give to someone.
Ambarawa is the right place to seek peace during the holidays. Eve balmy city, downtown is not frenetic, availability of adequate accommodation facilities is the reason for the city of Semarang Ambarawa can be equated with the peak for the Jakarta area. Your vacation package is also more memorable with a train tour through the villages, which is the only one on the island of Java.
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