Many people know or water hyacinth plants in Latin called Eichhornia crassipes, is a weed of crops in the fields. Aside from being a weed in large amounts will cause silting water hyacinth on the water such as lakes and ponds. But behind all that many business opportunities that can be produced from water hyacinth handicraft business. Water hyacinth is an environmentally friendly natural fiber that is safe for craft materials and became the trend of future business. Assorted craft from water hyacinth material we can get at various craft stores or supermarkets. From the Craft of water hyacinth sandals, bags, wallets and jewelry trinkets up to furniturepun water hyacinth can be made from water hyacinth. Never imagined before the craft comes from water hyacinth weed.
Water hyacinth handicraft business opportunities increasingly finding its place, along with the development of handicraft industry cooperation and furniture water hyacinth-based raw materials between Indonesia and the Government of Egypt. With this partnership is expected to provide benefits to the perpetrators of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) on both sides. Also in Indonesia in support of this cooperation by Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and the Association of Indonesian Furniture and Handicraft Industry (Asmindo). With the support of the two institutions are expected bargaining position of Craftsmen Craft Enceng Mumps is included in the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are more powerful.
Development of water hyacinth handicraft business purposes are to increase the welfare of the community, especially the Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) are also useful in supporting the environment surrounding areas. Therefore, water hyacinth plants during the plant is still regarded as harmful, because it can cause silting waters, declining populations of fish, blockage of irrigation, cause flooding, and mosquito breeding places.
One company that concentrates on this area is the CSR team Adaro, since June 2009 to develop the SME water hyacinth to empower communities around the mine through the Business Development Institute (LPB) are formed. LPB try to exploit the abundant natural resources in the village Paminggir River District and Village Paminggir Babirik Luang District, District of Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU), South Kalimantan Province. In the second area of potential water hyacinth abundance but not exploited so far.
Activities include training LPB Weaving Crafts hyacinth for people who were there and form groups of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Craft hyacinth. The material given in the training of water hyacinth Weaving Crafts, among others, on water hyacinth harvesting, sorting, drying, bleaching, weaving techniques and finishing techniques of water hyacinth. It also provided management training, including bookkeeping and entrepreneurship training, and quality control.
People are not only trained to process water hyacinth but are also trained how to supervise the quality and be able to know the trends that favored the market. In this way they were expected to be a professional craftsman. Training of this quality control involving the local Industry.
An artisan crafts Enceng goiter Abdul Jalal, a resident of Village Klego, Pekalongan, Central Java, has been in the business of creative change the water hyacinth plant to craft high economic value. Craft of the basic ingredients of artificial water hyacinth Abdul Jalal, among others, in the form of wall hangings, slippers, tablecloth, chairs and wallet canceled. If it is shaped craft, the impression of water hyacinth as a worthless crop was lost.
Originally Abdul Jalal could make crafts from water hyacinth was studying people, after which he studied and tried to be independent, while its products are exported to foreign countries including America, Australia, England and finally Saudi Arabia.
Another with Craftsman Craft Enceng Mumps in the Guava Orchard, a village located on the southern coast of Bantul, precisely in Patehan, Gadingsari, District Sanden, Bantul. Many residents there to pursue business in the goiter Enceng Crafts and small scale households. Yet perseverance Cashew citizens in weaving water hyacinth and produce various forms of craft products to the market able to deliver the United States, Belgium and Australia.
Number of natural potential plant water hyacinth and economic opportunity that is promising to make water hyacinth handicraft centers in several places. Just need to be intensified again in order to improve the economy of small businesses and households.
If you are interested in the business to his craft water hyacinth, the process is not difficult. The process of making crafts water hyacinth, First, the water hyacinth have just taken from the river in the dry in the sun to dry. Then the stem dried water hyacinth which has formed small sheets. Gazette stem has dried water hyacinth which is what eventually woven and shaped into craft as desired. Good luck.
Number of natural potential plant water hyacinth and economic opportunity that is promising to make water hyacinth handicraft centers in several places. Just need to be intensified again in order to improve the economy of small businesses and households.
If you are interested in the business to his craft water hyacinth, the process is not difficult. The process of making crafts water hyacinth, First, the water hyacinth have just taken from the river in the dry in the sun to dry. Then the stem dried water hyacinth which has formed small sheets. Gazette stem has dried water hyacinth which is what eventually woven and shaped into craft as desired. Good luck.
3 Komentar untuk "Water hyacinth handicraft business opportunities"
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