Smile Art

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, words are sweet, a listening ear, and honest compliment, or small acts of a caring, all of which have the potential to change lives around." - Leo F . Buscaglia - Actually, no art. Just wanted to say that you were born to be happy, and you can show this happiness with your beautiful smile. To some extent, we all know how to find a sincere smile, basically the formula is like this: a genuine smile = eyes crinkled We are all quite familiar with this sincere scale. When we cross paths with a stranger or casual acquaintance in the elevator, we give them a genuine smile? it is a fake smile, or the subtle language of polite smile. I also did it with the unconscious, while taking a walk or while waiting for something. The lesson is smiling with your eyes! Feel completely and it will be out naturally. A smile is an act so simple, but the impact is very strong. Some real impact of the internal feeling of joy you are: People will be attracted to you - I do not mean sexually (though maybe it could happen), but people will feel attracted to your energy. When you smile more, you will bring the aura and tranquility that will draw people to you. One would expect to be near you, to feel that they felt an incredible feeling close to you. We all love and want to be around people who are happy and cheerful, right? Optimistic - you'll feel more positive about yourself and the world. Happiness and joy - A smile is an expression of happiness and joy within you. Just like a spiral that rises to the top, a smile will increase the happiness you feel. Healthy - smile can affect your internal condition, which can have a psychological impact on the physical and mental health. Feel close - The smile is a sign accept gladly and will make people feel more comfortable. Making other people happy - smile has the power to make others feel good about themselves. Heartwarming smile and have the power to entertain others directly. Smile will be contagious - Other people can quickly and easily catch it and will have 'the effect samping'seperti above. Challenges do Smile Smile at a stranger - you ever had moments when you cross paths with a stranger or someone accidentally caught his eye, and you both will suddenly look awkward in the distance or pretend we see something else? Well, if you often experience the challenge is to give them a big smile. A sincere smile will show everything, including the teeth. Deepak Chopra, a motivator, talks about giving everyone you meet with a small gift. I did it with a smile. Why not? It does not cost anything, plus it is much more fun than you feel awkward and pretend you are not there. I am also pleased to see the reactions of people when we smile at them, which previously they did not expect. Some smile, and others will feel surprise and smile back at you, which will eventually bring a sense of warmth inside. Smiling on the homeless or beggars - Basically most of them are good people. They also need attention and recognition. So, give them something more than just money. So the next if there is someone asking for alms to you, try not to ignore them. Smile warmly at them. If you feel you do not want to give money, just say "Sorry, I do not have a little money now". Similarly, if there is someone trying to sell something to you and you are not interested, simply smile and tell them "No thanks". I have found that it takes more energy to ignore and pretend to be very serious,
Tag : Lifestyle
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